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Ukrainian language

The main objective of the native language teaching is to mold with the students national mentality, spiritual values for the rich in language individual, who has the skills freely communicatively sensibly use means of native language – its styles, types and genres in all types of language activities (audition, reading, speaking, writing). It means that it provides the necessary level of communicative competence. The abovementioned objective foresees performing the teaching, developing and bringing up functions of educational content of the subject.

According to the set forth objective, the main tasks of Ukrainian language teaching in the main sections of the secondary comprehensive education are:

  • Bringing up the conscious desire to study Ukrainian language;
  • Molding with the students the competences to communicatively justifiable use language means in different life situations;
  • To get to know the language system as the basis for molding language skills and abilities – orphoepic, grammar, lexical, writing, stylistic;
  • Molding of students’ spiritual world, the integral world outlook, general human values. It means to involve students into cultural heritage of Ukraine and the world through the language…

You can find Criteria of assessment for Ukrainian language using the following link

Ukrainian literature

5 – 12 classes

The objective of the Ukrainian literature study at school is:

  • To increase of general education of the citizen of Ukraine , reaching the level of molded skill to "read and comprehend the read", "to get to know literature and with the help of it – to get to know fundamental values of culture", expanding the students' cultural and research interests;
  • To facilitate the development, spiritual enrichment, active molding and self-realization of the individual in the contemporary world;

In line with the Stae Standard, the study of the Ukrainian Literature subject in the MIDDLE SCHOOL lays foundations for the for students' general education, their esthetic and literature maturity, molding of societal – useful orientation, ability to continue their studying. It foresees having a certain amount of literature realized knowledge (content of pieces of literature, authors’ biographies etc), initial understanding and skills to operate them in the process of reading and analyzing of the pieces of literature.

The peculiarity of Ukrainian Literature study at the final stage of the Middle school the 9th class is here the historical – chronological approach is used here. It is in this class when historical and chronological approach is used. Literature is being taught in the context of historical and chronological context.

Ukrainian literature in the HIGH SCHOOL 10 – 12 classes is looked at in chronological succession. But the general course is subdivided into the separate genres, if there is such an opportunity…

You can find Criteria of assessment for Ukrainian language using the following link

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