The process of teaching and learning The content of teaching history material is designed on the basis of synthesis of culturological, civilizational and socio-antropocentrical approaches in the context of the World and European history. The Human is looked at as the subject and the creator of the historical process. The Motherland and the World history are presented in two courses, which are important to give holistic perception of each of them. At the same time, the processes, events and phenomena of the Homeland history and are presented in the context of the European and World history. The content of the courses integrates the social, economical, political and spiritual history and shows close relationship of all spheres of human existence. A special attention is paid to the issued of spiritual and everyday life, to the societal psychology, interrelationships and dialogue of cultures of different peoples. You can find Criteria of assessment for History using the following link http://www.mon.gov.ua/main.php?query=education/average/topic/n_pr/kriterii/ |