English language school # 155 meets the state engagement to provide pre-University education. In–depth study of English language suggests also that Sch. 155 graduates will efficiently function in the educational environment of any English language speaking country. At the basis of the approach lie pedagogical tools used in educational systems of many English Language speaking countries. All participants of educational process at Sch. 155 understand is as the two-way process. The teacher is responsible for the explanation and presenting teaching material, for the motivation and management of the educational activity. The student in her/his turn is responsible for timely concentration, for asking questions to her/his mates, listen to their answers, and to react to her/his classmates and teachers. The student is responsible for putting efforts into accomplishing new tasks, and doing her/her home assignments given to improve the already existing knowledge or the newly acquired information or skill. Thus teachers and students unite their efforts in the process of teaching and learning. Approved by: Kyiv Interregional Institute for Teachers In-Service training. Adopted: Decision of Pedagogical Council of Kyiv English Language School # 155. Protocol # 1 of 29.08.1997. Semester and Yearly Grading in the 5th – 11th Classes of Sch. 155. (With amendments and changes in line with the 12–point scale of assessment Final grades for the semester and for the school year are calculated on the basis of the marks for the obligatory types of control, accomplished by the student:
The semester grade is calculated as arithmetic mean with the consideration of coefficients and of the weight different control assignments according to the following scale:
If a control assignment is not accomplished without provision of valid reasons, it is marked as a one in a class register and considered as zero while calculating the sum of coefficients. Teachers put generally accepted marks in the class register from 1 to 12. The sums of coefficients correspond to the marks in the following way:
The difference 0.40 points (e.g. 3.60 = 4) is the teacher's prerogative to encourage the student who is demonstrating persistence and motivation in her/his study. Thus the teacher can put the semester and yearly marks according to the following table:
If a student has not accomplished the obligatory set of control assignments, that provides positive mark, then her or his academic work is assessed as poor. Students, who missed the control assignments due to valid reasons, are provided the opportunity to accomplish the tasks in the extra time after classes. Students, who consistently demonstrate high academic results (10-12) and they got a poor mark for one control paper, can get the opportunity to re-sit for the control assignment if the corresponding teacher gives her/his recommendation. The marks for the control assignments are written down in the class register with the corresponding notice at the top of the page. The final annual mark is arithmetic mean of the semester marks in case the student is attested in every semester. Other cases are the subject for the School Pedagogic Council decision. Semester marks and the control assessment marks are as a rule put in the class register not later than five days before a quarter is over. At the end of the first and the third quarters students are given their grades records with prognostic marks. |