Monday, February 10, 2025
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International projects are an important component of Sch. 155 educational strategy.

Since the 80-s years of the XX-th century School # 155 has been active in developing of international projects. The philosophy of the first years after the fall of the Iron Curtain was to give the students opportunity to learn about the world and people beyond the borders of the former Soviet Union; to find common language with the peers in the broader sense of the word, English language being just the means of communication. 'Pen-pals' projects, 'Children–leaders' projects, the first non-government school-to-school (USA-Ukraine) students exchange projects, etc challenged the old way of thinking in the country.

At the beginning of the XXI st century School # 155 set new objectives for the international projects that had to meet the challenges of the globalized world. Interrelation of the world markets and people’s global interests set the task for Sch. 155 to design projects that could integrate educational philosophies and techniques of many countries to provide students with the opportunity to be mobile, effective and successful in the globalized world.

Dmitry Shparo and Sch155 greeting to the Canadian children in the North Pole.

2012, June – Sch 155 students delegation represents Ukraine at the International Scientific Summer School in Georgia, Bakuriany.

2012, April–May – joint summarizing video-conferences with St. Elias College, Malta.

2012, April – Joint project with United Nations Organization as a part of world initiative on the issues of against genocide and global migration.

2012, December – visit of friends – partners from Friedrich Ebert Gymnasium, Bonn.

2012 – Design and compiling of joint Ukrainian, Maltese, Cupreous, and Welsh Cookbook as a part of the British Council project "Connecting Classrooms".

2012 – Joint on-line lessons and video-conferences with St. Elias College, Malta.

2012, February – visit and joint project with the cooperation of Sch. 155 Interact Club and Kyiv Rotary Multinational.

2012, January – Canada – Interact Sch. 155 joint International photo exhibition with Mr. Dave White, the President of the Courtenay Rotary Club in 2013/14.

2011, December – Joint charity project with Mc. Gillan University, Canada.

2011, October–December – a series of joint on-line teachers' conferences and lessons with St. Elias College, Malta started.

2011, October – Students of Frierdrich Ebert Gymnasium, Bonn visit School 155.

2011, September – participation in the European Council Forum on the educational systems development. Our guests – Professor Julia Alan, Sterling University, Scotland and Mr. Simon Smith, Ministry for Education of Great Britain.

2011, September – Visit of Phineas Anderson, USA – initiator of the first international exchange programs in 1989.

2011, September – Students and teachers exchange program with Bonn, FEG, Germany – visit to Bonn.

2011, April – On-line Flash-meeting with Maltese and Cupric schools.

2011, March – Students' training program in Great Britain.

2011, January – Pen-Pals project with the students of Cyprus, Malta and Wales.

2010, December – Beginning of British Council project "Connecting Classrooms". With the participation of student from Great Britain, Cyprus, and Malta.

2010, November – Students from Friedrich Ebert Gymnasium visit School 155.

2010, March – Sch. 155 students' study tour to Scotland.

2010, March – The winners of International Contest get grants for free education i Great Britain.

2010, January – the first in Ukraine Interact Club of Sch. 155 gets official certification and the Flag from Rotary International Headquarters in Geneva.

2010 – Sch. 155 – Canada. Sch. 155 Interact Club together with their partners Interact Club of Georges P. Vanier School, Canada accomplish joint project, assisting needy kids in Ukraine.

2009 – Sch. 155 – Rotary International. Sch. 155 Interact Club started its work under the auspices of Kyiv Multinational Rotary Club.

2009 – Michelle Kwan (USA), the World and Olympic chamipon visits our school.

Michelle Quan, an American figure skater who has won five World Championships and two Olympic medals, visited the school on March, 2. In a lively discussion with the senior students she shared her ideas of sports, culture and peoples' diplomacy. The meeting was organised by the Embassy of the United States in Kyiv as a part of Michelle's mission as an American Public Diplomacy envoy to Ukraine.

See more on the US Department of State official site

and at next sites

2009 – Sch. 155 – Great Britain. Sch. 155 students go on the English language practice trip to London.

2008–2009 – Sch. 155 – Bonn, Germany. Students exchange visits and joint research conferences in Kyiv and Bonn on the results of the joint study of chemistry via I-net.

2008 – Sch. 155 students’ study trip to London. Culture study.

2008 – The first in the history of Ukrainian schools School-to-school videoconference. Sch. 155 (Kyiv, Ukraine) – FEG gymnasium (Bonn, Germany).

2007–2008 – Sch. 155 – Vienna, Austria. Joint Sch. 155 and First Vienna Bilingual school students' study and project design via ED WORLD NETTM resource of natural science subjects.

2007 – Sch. 155 ED WORLD NETTM project is initiated. The IT resource for the educational networking with the European schools.

2007 – Sch. 155 – Switzerland. Sch. 155 students get special training on the issue of Children’s Rights within the project Children’s Village Foundation, Switzerland.

2007 – Sch. 155 – Bonn, Germany. Sch. 155 initiates a unique project on joint synchronized teaching of chemistry in English language via I-net with FEG Gymnasium, Bonn, Germany.

2007 – Sch. 155 – Visit of St. Bonifatius College, Utrecht, the Netherlands students and teachers to Sch. 155. Celebration of the 12th year exchange program.

2005, 2006, 2007 – Vienna, Austria; Krakow, Poland; Schwerin, Germany; Edinburgh, Scotland – participation in the EU INTERREG project EdGATE. Sch. 155 administrators act as European Experts in the EU project EdGATE. The purpose is to design the model of future European school – European Regional College.

2005 – Umeo, Sweden. Sch. 155 studies best practice and methods of Swedish principals' work.

2004, 2005 – Sch. 155 – NATO. Students of Sch. 155 become winners in the Youth International NATO Program "Aliante". They visit three European countries.

2004 – Australia. 11 Class student Volodymyr Boldovsky – wins Golden Medal at the International academic Olympiad in Australia.

2003 – Sch. 155 – USA, Canaveral. Student Rybachuk Kateryna participates in the International Aerospace Projects "Astroplant" (The USA, Canaveral).

2000 (November) – Sch. 155 – NATO, Brussels. Sch. 155 students visit NATO Headquarters in Brussels on the invitation of NATO Secretary General, Lord George Robertson.

2000 – Sch. 155 – NATO. Secretary General, Lord George Robertson visits Sch. 155 "Mr. Kostylov, thank you for the opportunity to talk to your students. That was a useful and lively exchange of thoughts. I was impressed by their wonderful level of English language" – from the letter of NATO Secretary General Lord George Robertson.

2000 – Slovenia, Brdo – Sch. 155 develops the project "Ways to improve quality insurance at schools", as a component of the European pedagogical organization ENIRDEM.  

1999 – Joint project of the Sch. 155 Students Government and the Students Council of Merriweather Hall, The George Washington University (Washington D.C.) – Assistance to the children who suffer from heart diseases.

1999 – Budapest, Hungary – Sch. 155 teachers participate in creation of European network for improvement of research and development of education management. Quality insurance in education.

1999 – the USA. Presidential Award for outstanding academic achievements to the student Olekasndr Grinberg (Sch. 155). The USA President Bill Clinton.

1998 – Warsaw, Poland – Teachers of Sch. 155 learn international approaches to teaching mathematics, physics, history, literature, biology, and English language. International Baccalaureate Organization program.

1998 – Sch.155 – London, Britain. Sch. 155 principal shadows the Inspection of the United Kingdom schools – UK OFSTED inspection (Office for Standards in Education).

1997 – Graz, Austria – Sch. 155 administration, as the members of international experts group develop approaches to the creation of European Council Program for curricula evaluation.

1997 – Balaton, Hungary – Open Society Institute. Sch. 155 studies international approaches to the process of change management in education.  

1997 – Bratislava, Slovakia – Sch. 155 teachers study modern international approaches to biology teaching. International Baccalaureate program.

1996 – Sch. 155 is the first school in Ukraine and in CIS to be recognized as a full member of International Baccalaureate Organization. "You are the first school in Ukraine and, meanwhile – of all neighbor countries. You can be proud". From the letter of the Regional Director for IBO.

1996 – Budapest, Hungary – Sch. 155 teachers study school management by the program of the International Open Society Institute.

1995 – France – students and teachers of Sch. 155 study methods of teaching at French schools. Students and teachers exchange program.

1995 – Geneva, Switzerland – 10 teachers study contemporary methods of teaching in line with the International Baccalaureate Organization requirements.

1994 – Baltimore, the USA – Sch. 155 administration studies the principles of Gifted and Talented teaching at the Johns Hopkins University Centre for Gifted and Talented Youth.

1994 – Sch. 155 receives Recognition of the Baltimore County Board of Education for organizing and participation in the most wide-scale students' and teachers' exchange between Ukraine and the USA.

1994 – Utrecht, the Netherlands. The first experience of Sch. 155 teachers (11 teachers ) teaching at Dutch schools.

1993 – Poland, Gdynya. Conference. Practical studies on learning contemporary approaches to language, history, physics, and mathematics studies. International Baccalaureate program.

1993–1999 – Sch. 155 launches the program of studying the opportunities to adopt the methods and principles of IBO in Ukraine.

1992 – USA – Sch. 155 administration studies and participates in designing the program for Gifted and talented teaching for Pima County, Arizona, USA .

1991 – USA State Department. Special visit of the Director of the Office if citizens exchange at USA State Department Robert Persico to Sch. 155. As Mr. Persico said, he wanted to the the school that trains so many winners of the USA Congress contest "Future Leaders" are trained.

1990-1994 – Sch. 155 initiates and coordinates the largest students and teachers exchange between Ukraine and the USA, Maryland.

1991 – The first in history of Ukraine and in the CIS bilateral international students' conference on the issues of ecology. Organizers – Greenfields Country Day school (Tucson, Arizona, USA) and Sch. 155 (Kyiv, Ukraine). The invited active participants were World Watch Institute, the USA and the Parliament of Ukraine.

1991 – Sch. 155 – the Netherlands. The long term program of students and teachers exchange with Utrecht gymnasia, the Netherlands is launched.

1990 – Principal of Sch. 155 and Green Fields Country Day School meet the Minister for Secondary Education of the USA and discuss ways for the USA and Ukrainian (USSR then) schools cooperation.

1989 – The first in the history of the United Nations official reception of Ukrainian students (Soviet Unin then) in the Office of the United Nations Organization.

1989 – The first official reception of the students from Ukraine (Soviet Union then) – Sch. 155 in the Congress of the USA.

1989 – For the first time Ukrainian students are hosted in the families of the USA congressmen, including the family of the USA vice-president Albert Ghor.

1989–1994 – For the first time in the history of the then Soviet Union Sch. 155 without seeking approval from Moscow conducts non-governmental students and teachers exchange between Sch. 155 and Green Fields Country Day School, Tucson, Arizona. For five years the project remained a unique school-to-school non-governmental program.

1988 – Great Britain. Sch. 155 teachers study contemporary English language at Cambridge University, Great Britain.

1987–1988 – For the first time in the history of two countries as a part of the USA program "Soviets Meet Middle America" teachers of Sch. 155 travel all over the USA from the South to the North talking to people, learning the system of education of the USA, getting to know culture, and life of American.

1988–1989 – Sch. 155 – USA. Sch. 155 with the American partners organizes global projects "Pen-Pals" and "Birthday Pen-Pals" for Ukrainian (Soviet then) and American school children.

1987–1988 – Sch. 155 – USA. Students – leaders of Sch.155 and the best leadership programs of American schools organize Regional Leadership "Giraffe" project. Students – leaders of Sch. 155, Ukraine and the USA have a lot of common interests.

1987 – Sch. 155 – USA. Together with the American Partners Sch. 155 initiates and organizes the visit of police from San Jose, California to Kyiv. Students of Sch. 155 and American and Ukrainian police jointly patrol the streets of Kyiv city.

1987 – Sch. 155 – North Pole – Canada. Students of Sch. 155 used a unique opportunity to send their greetings to the Canadian children. The North Pole Expedition of Dmytro Shparo carried to the North Pole and then – gave to the Canadian Children a cloth quilt with the had-prints and greetings of Sch. 155 students.

1986–1988 – Sch. 155 – USA. Sch. 155 is an active participant of the "Peoples’ Diplomacy" movement.

1986 – First Americans unofficially visit Sch. 155.

© 2007 - English Language School # 155 - Kyiv, Shevchenkivsky District, Artema Str. 5 - Tel.: 272 08 26