Responding to the wide-spread desire to see comparative statistics, we present some interesting data that are the findings of public and non-government institutions. We draw your attention to that we strongly believe that the school culture is more powerful driving force than pure statistics, and that the school culture gives its graduates the power to realize in future the potential, school No 155 nourishes. Year 2012 National External Independent Assessment of school graduates. The newspaper "Segodnya" has published is traditional annual rating of top 50 schools in Kyiv city by the results of Natioanl External Assessment of school graduates of 2010-2011 school year. According to their rating Sch 155 is the second best school in Kyiv city. And by the results shown by the real schools that start teaching from he first class, School #155 is No.1 in Kyiv city. See the site: http://www.segodnya.ua/ranks/14129424.html The MAGAZINE "FOCUS" published its rating of 50 top schools in Ukraine. Of 20 thousand Ukrainian schools only 50 were chosen as top 50. The criterium was academic performance of High School graduates at the Independent National School Leavig testing in Mathematics, Ukrainian language, History and English language. Sch. 155 gradutes showed the 19th result in Ukraine, thus placing Sch. 155 into top 20 schools in Ukraine. If we look at the same rating and choose the schools that not just enroll the best middle and high school students (lyceums and gymnasia) but teach the students from the first grade (6 years old) till the 11th grade, then Sch. 155 occupies the FOURTH position in Ukraine. See the site: focus.ua/charts/2289216/ International Mathematics Contest "Kangaroo " Our students from the 2nd to the 6th grades as well as of the 9th 10th and 11th grades have demonstrated the results that exceed the national average level in Ukraine. The students of 7-8 th grades showed the results basically equal to the National average level. Of 348 participants 44 students showed top results and 167 – the good results. It means that 61 percent of the participants became the winners of the International Mathematical contest "Kangaroo". Winners of Kyiv City Academic Contests In 2011-2012 scholastic year the number of Sch.155 students-winners at the City level Academic Subjects Contest (III stage of National Academic Olympiads) appeared to be the highest in Shevchenkivsky District of Kyiv City. Total number of Sch.155 students - winners is 33. Only two schools approached Sch.155 result with 22 and 21 winners. Then go six liceums and gymnasia with the result of 14 - 11 winners, six schools and liceums from 9 till 5 winners and fourteen schools, gymnasia and liceums - from 3 to 1 winner. Other schools do not have winners of the Academic Contets (Olympiad) at the City level. Look at the top bar - they are our students. We congratulate our students again with their success. After the information presented at the Collegia of Shevchenkivsky District Department for Education in Kyiv City / May 2012. Year 2011 National External Independent Assessment of school graduates In Kyiv city (269 educational establishments - participants) Sch. 155 has the following ratings: English language – the second result History of Ukraine - the fifth result Mathematics (algebra, geometry) - the 14th result Results of National assessment and analyses At the District level (32 educational establishments - participants) Sch. 155 graduates showed the following results: English Language – No 1 Mathematics (algebra and geometry) – No 1 History of Ukraine – No 2 Ukrainian Language – No 2 According to unofficial rating as of August 2011 Sch. 155 has the following result in: Mathematics – the 9th place in Kyiv city http://kiev.vgorode.ua/news/17632/ The findings of the monitoring of the 9-graders’ (14-15 year olds) mathematical knowledge and skills, conducted by the Center of Monitoring Researches under the Main Department for Education and Science in Kyiv City, showed that the number of Sch. 155 9-graders who have high level of mathematical (Algebra and Geometry) dramatically exceeds the one in the district and Kyiv city as a whole. See the graphs.
Year 2010 National External Independent Assessment of school graduates English language – the second result in Kyiv city Sch.155 is on the 8th place in Kyiv city According to unofficial rating of 'SEGODNYA' portal: Year 2009 Sch.155 is on the 22th place in Kyiv city According to unofficial rating of 'OSVITA' portal: Year 2008 National External Independent Assessment of school graduates Sch. 155 is one of 100 best schools of Ukraine According to unofficial rating of 'DELO' portal: Note: In year 2000 there was a change from 5 – point scale to 12 – point scale. |