Monday, February 10, 2025
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The comprehensive educational value of the school course of geography is that while srudying it, the future citizens get to know real life in the environment, with the life of the society in all its forms and relations. Knowledge and skills in geography provide space understanding about the Earth, and ability to conscientiously orient in the social and economic, societal and economic, societal nd political and geo-ecological processes in the country and in the world.

"My native land" (5 class) is a propedevtic geographical course. It provides the students with initial geographical knowledge about nature, population, cultural development and economy of the local area.

"General Geography" (6 class) provides transition from the course "My native land" to the systematic courses of geography and provides their further study. The initial course of physical geography is a component of physical and geographical education and it includes knowledge about the Universe, and Solar System about topographic plan, and peculiarities of presenting the the Earth on the globe and the map; about the Earth spheres: (lyto-, hydro-, bio-, atmo-, spheres, and geographical layer.

"Georgraphy of mainland and oceans" (7 class) deals mainly with the study of physical and geographical conditions of the mainland as the global natural phenomena. The knowledge on geopgraphical layer and its components is provided at the same time.

The study of "Georgraphy of Ukraine" in 8-9 classes is directed at molding of the integral scientific – geographical perception of the country. With the aim to overcome traditional gap between different blocks in this course – nature, population and economy of Ukraine – a unifying course "Geography of Ukraine" is introduced. ("Physical geography of Ukraine", 8 class and "Economical and social geography of Ukraine", 9 class)

The course "Economic and social World geography" (10 class), as a rule accomplishes geographic education of students.

The course unites general economic geography with economical and geographical country study.

You can find Criteria of assessment for Geography using the following link

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