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By the initiative of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Sch. 155 participates in the European Union project EdGATE – Educational Gate, INTERREG III. The aim of the project is to design the concept of the model for the future school – European Regional College, that can enable the students of Europe from 5 till 19 years old to be mobile in the united Europe of tomorrow.

The main countries - participants of the project are Austria, Scotland, Germany, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzogovina, Poland, Romania.

From 2005 till 2007 regional experts of the EU project – teachers and administrators of Sch. 155, Georgiy Kostylov, Svitlana Tovpeko and Nadiya Tymoshyk were studying systems of education in a number of European countries, explored the opportunities to adapt practice of European schools to the work of Ukrainian schools. They worked to design the material for the EdGATE project.

The official EU papers of the EdGATE project on quality in education are published with the introduction statement made by the Sch. 155 principal. Some official papers make reference to the speeches of Svitlana Tovpeko.

2005 - Schwerin, Germany. Discussions during coffee breaks.

The project lead partners are – Vienna Board of Education, Austria – Franz Schimek and Stuart Simpson and Edinburgh University, Scotland – Richard Easton. The Ukrainian partner – Borys Zhebrovsky, Ministry for Education and Science of Ukraine.

The EU project suggested that the experts had to study deeply the national systems of education in European countries. The presentation of Ukraine was one of the priorities for the Sch. 155 experts.

Regional expert George Kostylov, Sch.155 makes the presentation at the EdGATE conference in Schwerin, Germany.

2006 – EdGATE project leaders visit Sch. 155. The visit was arranged as the practical work with Brain Storming and SWOT analysis to formulate the tasks and objectives for the EdGATE project. The results of the joint work of the project leaders and Sch. 155 teachers was very helpful in the further work on the project.

Project leaders in Kyiv - Dr. Franz Schimek, Stuart Simpson and Joseph Pammer - Vienna Board of Education, Austria. Ukrainian partners - Borys Zhebrovsky, Ministry for educationa and science of UKraine and Viktor Davydenko, Shevchenkivsky Kyiv district State Administration.

Cooperation with the wide range of the European experts at the level of universities and educational administrations of European countries provided Sch.155 with the opportunity to look at the possibility to use the acquired experience from the practical perspective – how to use it at Sch. 155 – to use experience gained in Scotland, Germany and Austria.

Група фахівців-експертів EdGATE у Відні.

2007 (October, 27) – for the first time in the history of Austria and Ukraine the principal of Sch. 155 George Kostylov makes a speech in the name of Ukraine in the Vienna Rahthouse as the EdGATE Regional Expert.

The first cooperative relations are established with the schools in Vienna and Bonn. Sch. 155 transfers the results of the theoretical work – studying of European educational systems – into preliminary practical models of cooperation with European schools. (See more on the school website page 'UNITED ED SPACE').

Students of the 6-th grades demonstrate their joint projects – researches with the students of the First Vienna Bilingual School.

2007 – Sch. 155 starts the project with Friedrich Ebert Gymnasium in Bonn, Germany on joint study of Chemistry in English via I-net. (See more on the school website page 'UNITED ED SPACE').

Joint students’ conference in Bonn. The student of Sch. 155 and her partner in FEG are doing together experiment in Chemistry.

Planning of the future perspectives for the Sch. 155 cooperation with the schools of European Union – is an important element for the school development. In 2008 Sch. 155 principal presents the new stage for the EdGATE project development. The new project is called CEEStruct and is being developed by the lead partners in Austria.

Presentation of the CEESTRUCT project in Sch. 155.

© 2007 - English Language School # 155 - Kyiv, Shevchenkivsky District, Artema Str. 5 - Tel.: 272 08 26