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Bilingual teacher with her students

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Bilingual classes

We share understanding of bilinguism as:

  • Using or able to use two languages, especially with equal or nearly equal fluency.

  • Using two languages in some proportion in order to facilitate learning by students who have a native proficiency in one language and are acquiring proficiency in the other: bilingual training; bilingual education.

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School 155 has a long history of introducing bilinguism into teaching and learning. Since 1990-s we have started bilingual teaching of science in the 5th – 8th classes.

Following the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine # 626 of 07.07.2009 "On the Approval of Teaching Plans for Bilingual Classes for the Specialist Schools with the in-depth study of Foreign Languages" School # 155 introduced bilingual teaching of Chemistry, Physics and Biology in English in the 7th and 9th classes.

Sch.155 pays special attention to bilingual teaching of natural studies seeing it as a vehicle to create more job opportunities for its graduates – future specialists in the global world.

Bilingual education provides the opportunities for establishing direct links with English language speaking educational establishments on the professional basis – common approach in learning and teaching basic school subjects. Thus bilingual teaching sets the model for "common educational dimension" – common cross-border "teachers' language". They are a perfect field for practicing joint cross-border teaching with extensive use if IT technology, like video-conferences, on-line testing etc. Good examples of that is our joint co-teaching projects with schools, gymnasia and colleges of Vienna, Austria; Bonn, Germany; and Santa Vera, Malta.

© 2007 - English Language School # 155 - Kyiv, Shevchenkivsky District, Artema Str. 5 - Tel.: 272 08 26