Friday, January 03, 2025
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National schools rating 2018
/03.09.2018/ has published academic ratings of schools in Ukraine based on the Independent National Graduates' Testing in the subjects of Mathematics, Ukrainian language, Histoy of Ukraine and English language. in 2018.


 Our school # 155 was placed in the folllowing way

General rating in Ukraine - 17th place

General rating in Kyiv - 9th place

English language - 10th place 

(if to take away the educational establishments where only 1 or 2 students sat for the National Testing, then our place would be 3 in Ukraine 

History of Ukraine - 26 place 

(if to take away the educational establishments where only 1 - 6 students sat for the National Testing, then our place would be 10 in Ukraine 

Ukrainian language - 32

(if to take away the educational establishments where only 1 - 7 students sat for the National Testing, then our place woould be 25 in Ukraine 

Mathematics - 104

(if to take away the educational establishments where only 1 - 5 students sat for the National Testing, then our place would be 65 in Ukraine we sholud also consider high level of competition with mathematical liceums and mathematial schools)


We congratlate our graduates and wish them all success in their Univesities. 

© 2007 - English Language School # 155 - Kyiv, Shevchenkivsky District, Artema Str. 5 - Tel.: 272 08 26