Friday, January 03, 2025
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New Year Charity-Fair and diapers for the soldiers children

New Year Charity Fair and diapers for the children of the ATO soldiers. 

On the eve of the New Year, students, parents and teachers of our school performed one more charity project to help the families of the soldiers, who defend our country. The families need diapers for the small kids. To get the diapers, the Parents' Assossiation initiated Charity Fair. Our students, parents and teachers participated in the Fair. The money was used to buy diapers.  The diapers were handed to the Domyky Charity Foundation to give them to the soldiers' families. In his address to the students of our chool, the Presidents of the Foundation Mr. Berehoviy said - "Thanks to you, the kids, who especially now need the New Year miracle, get the gifts, and their mothers feel that we have not forgotten and will never forget the heroic deed of their husbands. You remember them! They trust you! We are proud of you! Thank you for your strust. Together we can do more".

At the fair
More to buy, more to sell
Diapers the small children
The outcome of the charity fair-diapers for small children


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